Understanding Presentations Quiz
Understanding Presentations – Slide Show
Start a slide show from first slide, from current slide. We can start the slide show from the first slide by selecting the ‘Slide Show’ option from the main menu bar and from the drop down that appears selecting the option ‘Start from first slide’. This will start the presentation from the first slide. We…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Print
Change slide setup, slide orientation to portrait, landscape. Change paper size. We can change the slide orientation to portrait or landscape by using the ‘Print’ dialog box. Firstly select ‘Print’ option form the ‘File’ option on the main menu bar. This will open the ‘Print’ dialog box. Now, in this dialog box, under the ‘General’…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Check and Deliver
Spell check a presentation and make changes like: correcting spelling errors, deleting repeated words. To spell check a presentation, click on ‘Tools’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting drop-down menu, click on ‘Spelling and Grammar’. This will open the ‘Spelling and Grammar’ dialog box. This dialog lists all the incorrect words in…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Hide, show slides.
Hide, Show Slides In Impress, we can choose to hide a slide. To hide a slide, select the slides that you want to hide in the Slides pane, or in Slide Sorter view. After this, click on ‘Slide Show’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Hide Slide’. The slide…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Presenter Notes
Add presenter notes to slides. Notes provide a convenient way to create reminders or add extra information to slides in a presentation. Notes are not displayed during a slide show. However, using dual displays, you can display any notes on the second display as a presentation cue. You can also print the notes and use…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Animation Effects
Add, remove preset animation effects for different slide elements. Slide animations are applied to individual slide elements like charts, graphics, titles, bullet points etc. We apply slide animation from ‘Normal View’ so that each element on the slide can be selected. Now to apply animation, choose option ‘Custom Animation’ from the Tasks Pane or from…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Slide Transition
Add, remove transition effects between slides. Slide transitions represent the effects which are displayed when we move from one slide to another in a presentation. Slide transition effects can be both added as well as removed according to the presenter’s requirements. We can add transition effects by selecting ‘Slide Transition’ from the Tasks Pane or…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Grouping and Arranging
Group, un-group drawn objects in a slide. Grouping objects means that a particular number of objects which are being grouped together will behave as one entity. So any operation which needs to be performed will be performed on the whole group together. We can group any number of objects in a slide by using the…
Read MoreUnderstanding Presentations – Lines
We can change the line color and line style of an object by using the ‘Line and Filling’ toolbar. First of all, go to the ‘View’ option on the main menu bar and then select the option ‘Toolbars’ from the drop down list that appears. Now select the option ‘Line and Filling’ from the list…
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