Math Quiz
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the contents of the LibreOffice Math Application, part of the Office Software Suite series. There are twenty questions. The pass mark is 70 out of a potential 100 points, 5 for each question. Once you are satisfied with your answers, complete your name and email address…
Read MoreMath – Import and Export
Export as PDF In Math, we can export a formula as a PDF document. To export as a PDF, click on ‘File’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Export’. This opens the ‘Export’ dialog box. In this dialog box, we can browse to the folder where we want to save…
Read MoreMath – Customization
Formula editor as a floating window. The formula editor can cover a large part of the Writer window. In Writer, it is possible to turn the formula editor into a floating window. To convert the formula editor into a floating window hover the mouse over the editor frame. Now hold down the ‘Control’ key from…
Read MoreUsing Math With Calc, Impress and Draw
Graphical properties. Formula objects have similar properties in Calc, Impress, and Draw. They are always inserted with a transparent background and without borders. In Draw and Impress, they are assigned the Default graphical style; there is no assigned style for them in Calc and properties need to be specified explicitly. A formula can be positioned…
Read MoreUsing Math With Writer Documents
Numbering equations in Writer We can write numbered equations in Writer. Equation numbering is one of the Writer’s best hidden features. The steps are very simple. Start a new line in Writer. Type ‘fn’ and then press ‘F3’ from the keyboard. The ‘fn’ gets replaced by the numbered formula: E = mc2 (2) Now we…
Read MoreMath – Changing The Appearance
Adjusting spacing. To increase or decrease the spacing between the different elements of a formula, click on ‘Format’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Spacing’. This will open the ‘Spacing’ dialog box. In this dialog box, under ‘Spacing’, the spacing between different elements of an equation can be selected.…
Read MoreMath – Appearance of Formulas
Changing the font size. In LibreOffice Math, we can change the font size of the formulas. To change the font size of the formulas, click on ‘Format’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Font Size’. This will open the ‘Font Sizes’ dialog box. In this dialog box, select the…
Read MoreMath – More Formula Layouts
Adding limits to a sum or an integral. In Math, the ‘sum’ and ‘int’ commands are used for sum and limits respectively. These commands can take the parameters ‘from’ and ‘to’. These are used for lower and upper limits respectively. These parameters can be used singly or together. The usage of these commands and parameters…
Read MoreMath – Recognizing Functions
In the basic installation, Math outputs variables in italics. If we enter a function, Math usually recognizes it and outputs it normally. If Math fails to recognize a function, we can inform Math about it by entering the markup code ‘func’ before the function. By using this code, the text following the code will be…
Read MoreMath – Formula Layouts
Using Brackets in Formulas The most difficult part in using LibreOffice Math is when writing complicated formulas. This is because LibreOffice Math knows nothing about the order of operations. We need to use brackets in order to state the order of operations explicitly. Consider the example which has been shown in the below given illustration.…
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