Understanding Databases – Create and Name a Form

The simplest way to create a new form is to use the ‘Wizard’. Click the ‘Forms’ section in the Database area of the main window and select ‘Use Wizard to Create Form’ from the Tasks area. Use the drop-down menu to choose the table you want to display. Select the fields you want to display…

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Understanding Databases – Forms

Understand that a form is used to display and maintain records. Forms display records one at a time in a format that can be customized. Rather than reading the data from a table, it can be laid out in a way to suit your needs. Forms provide a way for users of the database to…

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Understanding Databases – Edit and Run a Query

Edit a query: add, modify, remove criteria Click the criteria you want to modify or remove, highlight it then press delete to remove or type to modify it. To add criteria in another field, simply click on the Criterion cell under the field name and type the criteria. To remove a field, right click the…

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Understanding Databases – Create a conditional query

Add criteria to a query using ‘NOT’ logical operator From the Queries area of the main window, right click the query and click ‘Edit’. In the Criterion row, add criteria that uses the ‘NOT’ logical operator, e.g. in Description field type “NOT=‘Home’”. This will return any data that has a description not equal to Home,…

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Understanding Databases – Modify Reports

Change arrangement of data fields and headings in a report Click ‘Reports’ from the Database area of the main window and right click the report you want to change in the Reports area. Click ‘Edit’ from the drop down menu. To move fields and labels, simply click and drag individually to move them around the…

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Understanding Databases – Create a named two-table query

To create a two-table query, first make sure you have created a second table. The two-table query will use the ‘Company employees’ table created in a previous tutorial. Use the table design view to create a table containing personal phone numbers for home and mobile Once created and saved, you need to create a relationship…

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Understanding Databases – Create a named single table query

Queries are used to extract and analyse data from tables. Click on the Queries icon, then select Create Query in Design View. The single table query will use the ‘Company employees’ table created in a previous tutorial. In the ‘Add Table or Query’ window, click the table(s) you want to extract data from, click ‘Add’,…

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Understanding Databases – Retrieving Information

Use the search command to find specific data in a field This tutorial demonstrates how to find specific records within a table. This won’t cover forms or reports, which can do the same thing but display the data in a different (more user-friendly) format. Sometimes you may want to just quickly check data within a…

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Understanding Databases – Managing Tables

Set a field as primary key To set the primary key, right-click the grey box to the left of the field you want to set as primary key. Check the ‘Primary Key’ option and a yellow key symbol will appear in the grey box. It’s a good idea to set the primary key to an…

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Understanding Databases – Tables Design

Create a table To create a table, click ‘Tables’ in the Database area. Then click ‘Create Table in Design View’ from the Tasks area to open table design window. In this example, we’re going to create a table that holds data on company employees. It will contain basic details on employees such as name, gender,…

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