Switch between open presentations.

You can open multiple presentations at a time in Impress. In such a case, to switch between these presentations, just click on the ‘Impress’ icon on the task bar of your computer. This icon will always get displayed whenever you are running Impress on your machine. When this icon is clicked, then the names of…

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Create a new presentation based on default template.

A default template is the one, which is used to create a presentation when any new presentation is created. This means that when we create a new presentation, it gets created based on the default template which has been set. We are going to learn how to set a default template in the subsequent chapters.…

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Working with Presentations

Open, close a presentation application. Open, close presentations. To start Impress, click on the ‘Start’ button on your Windows machine. Click on ‘All Programs’ and then go to the ‘LibreOffice’ folder in the list of all programs which gets displayed. Click on the ‘LibreOffice’ folder and then click on ‘LibreOffice Impress’. This will start the…

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