Spreadsheet Cells

Insert, Select Understand that a cell in a worksheet should contain only one element of data, (for example, first name detail in one cell, surname detail in adjacent cell). Any cell in a worksheet should always contain only one element of data. Even if we want to enter the name of a person; then the…

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Enhancing Productivity

Set basic options/preferences in the application: user name, default folder to open, save spreadsheets. To set the basic options in the Calc application, click on ‘Tools’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Options’. This will open the ‘Options’ dialog box. In the ‘Options’ dialog box, under ‘LibreOffice’, in ‘User Data’…

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Working with Spreadsheets

Open, close a spreadsheet application. Open, close spreadsheets. To start Calc, click on the ‘Start’ button on your Windows machine. Click on ‘All Programs’ and then go to the ‘LibreOffice’ folder in the list of all programs which gets displayed. Click on the ‘LibreOffice’ folder and then click on ‘LibreOffice Calc’. This will start the…

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How To Install LibreOffice

LibreOffice is an Open Source office suite that works in almost all major computing platforms. The applications in the suite include a word processor Writer, a spreadsheet manager Calc, a presentation creator Impress, a drawing tool draw, a formulae creator Math and a database management system Base. This free and light office program is available…

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