In this tutorial you will use XAMPP to create a test web server, which will be used to host the WordPress test site. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start. At the moment there are four XAMPP distributions:

Use the buttons below to navigate through the lesson

  • XAMPP for Linux
  • XAMPP for Windows
  • XAMPP for Mac OS X
  • XAMPP for Solaris

For the purposes of this course, this installation will be carried out on a Windows7 pc. If you are installing on Windows7 please note the User Access Control needs to be deactivated, as this can limit the functionality of XAMPP. Installation instructions for all other Operating Systems can be found at http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html, where you will also go to download the XAMPP software. Once the installation of XAMPP is completed the rest of the course will be carried out using a web browser (Firefox) so will be identical for all operating systems.

Go to http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
and scroll down the page and find the Windows installer.  Click the installer to start the download. The download continues.  When the download has completed Double click the installer package. Click Run.  Select Language and click OK. Click OK. Click Next. Select Destination folder and click Next.  Select Install Apache and MYSQL as service.  This will enable Apache and MYSQL to start with the operating system automatically, after shutdowns or reboots. Click Install.  The installation continues this may take sometime. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Apache requires port  80, if this is in use the port can be changed. This will be shown later in the course. Installer checks necessary ports:

  • Apache requires port  80
  • MYSQL requires port 3306

Click Allow access for Windows Firewall, note this for private networks. The MYSQL service is started. Click OK to continue. Click Yes to start the XAMPP Control Panel.  XAMPP control panel shows both Apache and MYSQL running.

In a web browser type localhost. XAMPP splash screen appears select language.  XAMPP Welcome screen confirms installation was successful.

In the next lesson we will perform some configuration on the XAMPP install, in order to make it more secure. We will also configure a blank database for our WordPress installation.