WINS Replication

WINS replication enables two or more WINS servers to replicate their databases. This is useful because it enables WINS servers on different subnets to share information, thereby enabling local clients to query remote clients. There are three types of replication: Push, Pull, Push/Pull.

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Push replication: A WINS server configured to use Push replication will replicate its database, but will not receive data from other WINS servers.

Pull replication: A WINS server configured to use Pull replication will receive information but will not send its database to other WINS servers.

Push/Pull replication. A WINS server configured to use Push/Pull replication will both replicate and receive information from other WINS servers.

Both ADMIN1 and ADMIN2 are separate WINS servers with separate databases. To configure ADMIN1 to receive information from ADMIN2 both WINS servers will need to be configured.

Configuring ADMIN1

The WINS server ‘ADMIN1’ currently has this database. To configure the WINS server to replicate its database, select Replication Partners. Currently no replication partners have been set. To add ADMIN2 [] as a replication partner, right-click on Replication Partners. Select New Replication Partner. Specify the name or IP address of the new replication partner, in this case Click OK to accept.

ADMIN2 [] has now been configured as a replication partner. To configure this WINS server to perform push replication, right-click on ADMIN2.

From this menu you can start push and pull replication with this partner, delete the replication partner or change its properties. Click on Properties to alter its settings. The Properties page gives an overview of the replication partner ADMIN2. Click on the Advanced Tab to change the settings.

From the Advanced Tab you can configure a replication schedule and change the replication partner type. Click on the Replication partner type drop-down list to change the current setting. Select Push. Click on OK to accept.

ADMIN2 [] has now been configured as a Push partner. Once ADMIN1 has been configured for pull replication, ADMIN2 will send all of its active & tombstoned records to it. N.B. Released records are not replicated. To configure additional replication settings for this server, right-click on Replication Partners. Select Properties. From the General Tab you can configure the WINS server to replicate only with partners. You can also configure the WINS server to overwrite manual entries (such as an imported LMHOSTS file).

From the Push Replication screen, you can configure when the database is replicated such as when an address changes. Every time a record is changed the database’s version ID is increased by 1. You can also configure the number of version ID changes before the database is replicated.

From the Pull Replication Tab, you can configure when and how often Pull replication will take place. You can also configure the number of retries to attempt when replication fails.

From the Advanced Tab, specified WINS servers can be blocked. Automatic Partner configuration can also be enabled, which allows the WINS server to automatically locate other replication partners.

Configuring ADMIN2

The database on ADMIN2 [] is different to the one on ADMIN1. In order to accept records from ADMIN1, this server will need to be configured for pull replication. Click on Replication Partners.

There are currently no replication partners for this server. Right-click on Replication Partners. Select New Replication Partner. Type in the name or IP address of the new replication partner. In this case, Click on OK to accept.

ADMIN1 has been configured as a replication partner. To change ADMIN1 to a Pull partner only, right-click on ADMIN1.

Select Properties. Select Advanced. Change the Replication partner type to Pull and click on OK to finish. ADMIN1 is now a Pull partner. Active and Tombstoned records on ADMIN2 will now be sent to this machine. The changes have been replicated from ADMIN1 to ADMIN2.