WINS and DNS Integration

Both DNS and WINS can work together to provide name resolution. DNS can be configured to forward unknown queries to a WINS server.

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To configure DNS/WINS integration, The DNS management console is used. Click on Start. Then Administrative Tools. Select DNS. The DNS management console will appear. Expand the DNS server by clicking the plus sign next to the server. Expand Forward Lookup Zones. Expand the Zone. Right-click on the DNS zone. Select Properties. The zone properties page will appear. Click on the WINS tab. To enable WINS lookup, tick the Use WINS forward lookup box.  The DNS server can replicate this information to other DNS servers enabling them to use WINS as well. To disable this feature tick the box next to Do not replicate this record. To add the IP address of the WINS server, type the IP address into the IP address box. Click on Add to add the address.  DNS/WINS integration has been enabled, and the WINS server is to be used for WINS name resolution. Click on OK to accept the changes. The WINS lookup record is added to the DNS database. The change will replicated to other DNS servers configured to use this zone.