Updates for WordPress
In this lesson we will look at updating the WordPress software and applying updates to plugins and themes. Occasionally updates to software are released, these could be bug fixes, new features or enhancements. Fortunately WordPress makes it very easy to handle these update as the vast majority can be done automatically with no site downtime.
Use the buttons below to navigate through the lesson
Click Updates. Click Update Now. Update will be downloaded and applied. The update has been applied. Click Updates. Click Select All and then Update Themes. Themes updated correctly, now click Updates. Select and update Plugins. Plugin update completed, click Pages. One of the features of the new update, new media uploader.
With all updating there is a risk that something will go wrong, even if it is not an update. Hardware failure, virus or spyware infection are all causes for concern about how to quickly get a site back on line. First line of defence has to be a backup strategy WordPress has many plugins that deal with backups but consider some important features you may need.
- Backs up everything site content and databases.
- Will perform scheduled backups.
- Will backup for off site storage, always important to have off site copy in case of server failure.
- Easy backup and restore features.
You may find you will require to have more than one plugin enabled to get all the required features.
We would suggest a google search for WordPress backup or search plugins in the site’s backend. Your hosting company may offer Backups which ever solution you choose, make sure you have one in place for your own safety.