Understanding Presentations – Slides
Choose a different built-in slide layout for a slide.
A built-in slide layout defines the layout for a slide. A layout means the number and order of the different types of elements that are going to be present in a slide.
In the ‘Tasks’ pane, all the built-in slide layouts are present. In order to choose the different built-in slide layouts, we simply need to select the required one from the Tasks pane.
The layouts only differ in the number of elements which are there in a slide.
Apply an available design template to a presentation.
A template is simply a format based on which a new presentation will get created in Impress. There are a number of templates which are already present in Impress and if we want to have our own template or make changes to one of the existing ones then this can be achieved easily in Impress.
To apply an available design template to a presentation, we can simply create a new presentation based on the required design template. To create a presentation based on the available design templates, click on ‘File’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘New’ and from the sub-menu which is displayed, click on ‘Templates’. This will open the ‘Template Manager’ dialog box.
This dialog box, under the ‘Presentations’ tab, displays the different template categories available for creating new presentations. You can select any of these by double clicking and this will display the different templates under that category. Double click on the required template and this will create a new presentation based on this template.