Understanding Presentations – Manipulate Objects
Copy, move graphical objects, charts within the presentation, between open presentations.
To copy an object within a presentation or between open presentations, first of all select the object. Then right-click on the object and from the resulting menu click on ‘Copy’. Now go to the location where you want to copy this object to and right-click once and from the resulting menu click on ‘Paste’. This will copy the object to the new location which can be in the same presentation or a different one.
To move an image within a presentation or between open presentations, first of all select the image. Then right-click on the image and from the resulting menu click on ‘Cut’. Now go to the location where you want to move this image to and right-click once and from the resulting menu click on ‘Paste’. This will move the image to the new location which can be in the same presentation or a different one.
Resize, delete graphical objects, charts in a presentation.
To resize an object, click once on the object so that the object gets surrounded by eight small green squares on its border. These squares are called ‘Selection Handles’. Now Place the mouse pointer on any of these squares and click and drag in order to increase or decrease the size of the object.
To delete an object, click once on the object so that the object gets surrounded by eight small green squares on its border. Then press the ‘delete’ button from the keyboard and this will delete the object from the document.
If we need more accurate resizing of graphical objects or charts, we can use the ‘Position and Size’ option form the ‘Format’ option present on the main menu bar. After clicking on ‘Position and Size’ option, the ‘Position and Size’ dialog box appears where, under ‘Size’, we can select the measurements which we desire for our graphical objects or charts. After selecting all the measurements, click on ‘OK’ and the desired changes will get applied to the graphical objects or charts.
Rotate, flip a graphical object.
We can rotate or flip a graphical object by double-clicking on the object so that eight red colored selection handles appear around the object. Now, take the mouse cursor on to one of these handles and when the rotation sign appears, rotate the picture to the desired position.
We can also rotate the graphical object by first selecting the object such that eight green colored selection handles appear around the object. Now select the ‘Format’ option from the main menu bar and choose ‘Position and Size’ option from the drop down that appears.
After selecting ‘Position and Size’, a dialog box appears. In this dialog, under the ‘Rotation’ tab, select the angle under ‘Rotation Angle’ by which you want to rotate the graphical object and then click on ‘OK’. The graphical object will get rotated by the selected angle.
Align a graphical object relative to a slide: left, centre, right, top, bottom.
We can align a graphical object by simply selecting the object and then going to the ‘View’ option in the main menu bar and selecting ‘Toolbars’ option from the resulting drop down list. Now select ‘Align Objects’ option from the menu that appears. This will open the ‘Align Objects’ dialog which contains all the options to align the graphical objects to the right, left, center, top or bottom of the slide. We can select the desired option and the object will get aligned accordingly.