Understanding Presentations – Delete, Undo, Redo Text

Delete text.

The text can be deleted by simply selecting the unwanted text and pressing the ‘Delete’ button on your keyboard.

Another method is to place the text pointer to the right of the text which needs to be deleted and then press the ‘backspace’ button from the keyboard. This will delete the text backwards. Release the button after deleting as much text as is needed.

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Use the undo, redo command.

The undo command undoes the effect of the recent changes which were made to the document in such a way so that the most recent change is undone first. The redo command performs the most recent change done to the document again.

To use the undo or redo commands, click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Undo’ or ‘Redo’ as per the requirement to perform undo or redo respectively.
Undo Redo 8