Understanding Presentations – Change background color

Change background color on specific slide(s), all slides.

To change the background of a slide or of all the slides, click on ‘Format’ from the main menu bar, and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Page’. This will open the ‘Page Setup’ dialog box. In this dialog box, under the ‘Background’ tab, we have the ‘Fill’ area where we have a drop-down list. We need to select ‘Color’ from this list. This displays a number of colors in another list, and we can select the required background color from this list.

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After selecting the color, click on ‘OK’. This will give an alert with the question, ‘Background settings for all pages?’. Click on ‘Yes’ to change the background color of all the slides and ‘No’ to change the background color of only the specific selected slide.

Background Colour 11Add a new slide with a specific slide layout like: title slide, chart and text, bulleted list, table/spreadsheet.

In the previous sections, we have already discussed how to add a new slide to a presentation and also how to choose a built-in slide layout for a slide. So in order to add a new slide with a specific slide layout, we can simply add a new slide to the presentation and then apply the required built-in slide layout to this slide.