Recovering Data

In Windows Explorer right click the file or folder to be restored, and select Restore previous versions.

Use the buttons below to navigate through the lesson

Select the Version to be restored and click Restore. Click Restore. The previous version will then be restored

Recovering Files or Volumes

Select Windows Server Backup. Select Action. Then Recover. Select This Server or Another Server. Click Next to continue. Select the backup to be restored and click Next.

Files And Folders – Browse files that have been backed up and select specific files, folders, or both to be recovered.

Applications – Applications can register with Windows Server Backup to store
application-specific data. This option allows you to selectively restore application data.

Volumes – Allows you to restore an entire volume. However, you cannot use this to
restore the operating system volume.

Select Recovery type and click Next. Select items to recover. Click Next. Specify recovery options. Click Next. Click Recover. Click Close. File has been recovered.

Recovering from a Backup When Windows Will Not Start

If Windows cannot start or if you need to recover the entire system volume from a backup, you can start the computer from the Windows Server 2008 DVD and use the Windows Complete PC Restore Wizard to recover the operating system. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the Windows Server 2008 media and restart the computer.
  2. When the Press Any Key To Boot From The CD prompt appears, press a key. After a brief delay, the Install Windows Wizard appears.
  3. On the language selection page, click Next.
  4. Click Repair Your Computer
  5. On the System Recovery Options dialog box, select the operating system instance, and then click Next.
  6. Click Windows Complete PC Restore. The Windows Complete PC Restore Wizard appears.
  7. On the Restore Your Entire Computer From A Backup, use the default setting to restore the most recent backup. Alternatively, click Restore A Different Backup if you need to restore an older backup (for example, if the most recent backup is corrupted or if you need to restore to a date prior to a security compromise). Click Next.
  8. On the Choose How To Restore The Backup page, click Next.
  9. On the final page, click Finish.
  10. In the dialog box, select the I Confirm check box, and then click OK.

Windows restores your backup by overwriting the volumes you are recovering. After the restoration is complete, Windows automatically restarts using the state it was in at the time of the backup.