To Pass The Test You Need A Quiz Score Of 70% Or Higher .
Unfortunately, you have not achieved a pass mark. Your results are being emailed to you, showing how your answers have been scored.
The email lists each question, your response, and the score you achieved, so you can see where there are gaps in your knowledge, and repair them.
The pass mark is 700 out of a potential 1000 points, 100 for each question.
We recommend you review your responses, then revisit the course to check out the correct answers for the incorrect responses you gave. Repeating these lessons and re-taking the quizzes will improve your skills.
It will enable you to review the course materials, and ensure you have all the correct responses at your fingertips. This will give you have a greater understanding of the skills discussed in the course material.
Then you can retake the quiz, and achieve a satisfactory pass mark.
Once you have achieved a satisfactory pass mark, you will be ready to begin another course and further increase your skills in another topic.