Mail Merge – Insert Data Fields
Insert data fields in a mail merge main document (letter, address labels).
To insert data fields in mail merge, click on ‘Tools’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Mail Merge Wizard’. This will open the same dialog box as has been shown in the previous sections.
Now complete step 1 and 2 and come to the step 3. Select a data file or a mailing list for usage in the mail merge as has been explained in the last section. In the ‘Insert Address Block’ area, in step 3, we have a checkbox for whether the document should contain an address block or not. Check this checkbox and then choose the appropriate address block format from the options given. You can click on ‘More’ to get additional formatting options.
This will open the ‘Select Address Block’ dialog box which lists the additional formats. Select the required format here and then click on ‘OK’ to return to the main dialog.
In step 3, we can choose which address block field should match to which column in the data file. For this, click on ‘Match Fields’. This will open the ‘Match Fields’ dialog box.
Here, as can be seen in the below given illustration, we can select which element of the address block will match to which column in the data field. Likehas been matched to ‘Title’ and has been matched to ‘First Name’ and so on. After completing the matching, click on ‘OK’ to return to the main menu.
After this, click on ‘Next’ to move to the next step, ‘Create salutation’. Here, a salutation can be inserted into the document. Create the appropriate salutation from the provided options. The ‘Match Fields’ option can be used to match the different fields and the appropriate address list field can be selected to identify a female recipient.
After making all the selections, click on ‘Next’ to complete the insertion of data fields into a mail merge.