These free training courses will give you what it takes to become an IT professional.
To help you get started we are offering the
Introduction to Networking Tutorials
training package
This free training can be used towards achieving full Microsoft Accreditation.
This is a completely free system that offers you flexibility and choice without any long-term commitments. Designed to increase access to online learning provision, the site offers an ever growing list of course titles covering many topics.
You’ll do your learning online so all you need is access to the Internet. This means you can learn at a time, place and pace to suit you.
This free training course contains three separate modules.
Tutorial 1 is Windows Quick Start.
This module has Nine separate Lessons with topics ranging from Hardware to Networking.
Tutorial 2 is Windows Server Overview.
This module has Seven separate Lessons with topics ranging from Task Scheduler to MMC.
Tutorial 3 is Managing Disks.
This module has Nine separate Lessons with topics covering File Systems and Volume Sets