Installing Active Directory On Server Core

Server Core Setup

The following list of commands will enable your server core machine to join a domain and prepare it to host Active Directory.

Use the buttons below to navigate through the lesson

Give the computer a sensible name.
netdom RenameComputer <hostname> /NewName <new_hostname>
Then reboot for it to take effect.
shutdown /r /t 0

Set up static primary IP address.
netsh interface ipv4 set address “Local Area Connection” static <IP address> <Subnet Mask> <Default Gateway>

Set Preferred DNS server
netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver “Local Area Connection” static primary

Set Secondary DNS Server if needed
netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver “Local Area Connection” <DNS IP Address 2> index=2

Join your server to your domain
netdom join <hostname> /domain:<full DNS domain name> /userd:<user with rights to add to domain> /passwordd: *
and reboot once again
shutdown /r /t 0

The following commands will enable Windows Firewall for remote Administration and remote desktop.

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Administration” new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Desktop” new enable=yes

Now the machine should be ready to host Active Directory,  log on to the server core machine.

Install Active Directory

To start the Active Directory installation you will need to issue the following command. Note the domain name can be changed to suit and the * after the administrators password means you will be prompted for your password. The safemode password can also be changed to suit your needs.

dcpromo /unattend /replicaOrNewDomain:replica
/ /ConfirmGC:Yes
/\Adminsitrator /Password:* /safeModeAdminPassword:P@ssword

Press Enter to run the command. Fill in your administrator’s password. Click OK to continue. Active Directory install continues.The server will reboot on completion.

The new server core domain controller has been added to the domain.