Word Processing – Edit Content
Edit content by entering, removing characters, words within existing text, by over-typing to replace existing text.
To edit content by entering or removing characters or words within existing text, select the text which you want to remove and replace. After this type the new text values. The new text will automatically take place of the selected text.
Use a simple search command for a specific word, phrase.
To use the search command, click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar, and from the resulting drop-down menu, click on ‘Find’. This will open the ‘Find’ bar at the bottom of the document.
In this bar, we can enter the search term which we need to find in the document. After entering the term, press enter from the keyboard. If the term exists in the document, it will get highlighted in the document. If the term is not present in the document, we’ll get a message ‘Search key not found’ in the bar.
In case more than one instances of the term are found in the document, you can use the arrow shaped ‘Next Element’ and ‘Previous Element’ buttons to browse through all of these.
Use a simple replace command for a specific word, phrase.
To use the replace command, click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar, and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Find & Replace’. This will open the ‘Find & Replace’ dialog box.
In this dialog, enter the term which needs to be replaced in ‘Search For’ and the term with which this term needs to be replaced in ‘Replace With’. After this, click on ‘Replace’ to change the text values one by one or click on ‘Replace All’ to change all the text values in one go.
There are also some options provided in this dialog which can be selected as per the requirements. These options help in filtering down the content to be searched in the document. These options can be viewed by expanding ‘Other options’.
Copy, move text within a document, between open documents.
To copy text within a document, or between open documents, select the text which needs to be copied and then right click on the selected text and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Copy’. After this, place the text pointer where the text needs to be copied to, this location can be in the same document or even some other open document, and again right-click and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Paste’. The text will get copied to the new location.
To move text within a document, or between open documents, select the text which needs to be moved and then right click on the selected text and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Cut’. After this, place the text pointer where the text needs to be moved to, this location can be in the same document or even some other open document, and again right-click and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Paste’. The text will be moved to the new location.
Delete text.
To delete text, simply select the text which needs to be deleted and press the delete button from the keyboard. This will delete the selected text.
Another method is to place the text pointer to the right of the text which needs to be deleted and then press the ‘backspace’ button from the keyboard. This will delete the text backwards. Release the button after deleting as much text as is needed.
Use the undo, redo command.
The undo command undoes the effect of the recent changes which were made to the document in such a way so that the most recent change is undone first. The redo command performs the most recent change done to the document again.
To use the undo or redo commands, click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Undo’ or ‘Redo’ as per the requirement to perform undo or redo respectively.