Creating Application Directory Partitions

Although most applications that use Application Directory Partitions will create and manage them, you may have to create, delete or configure your own Application Directory Partitions.

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Application Directory Partitions can be managed from the NTDSUTIL command line utility. This can easily be accessed by typing “NTDSUTIL” into the run dialog box.

From the ntdsutil command line type in “domain management”. From domain management type in “connection”. Type in “connect to server” followed by the name or IP address of the domain controller you wish to create the partition on. Type in “quit” to close the server connections utility.

The “create nc” utility is used to create a new partition. The command is in the form of “create nc ApplicationDirectoryPartition Servername”

The Application Directory Partition name must be specified using a distinguished name. e.g. “dc=TestPartition, dc=mark, dc=local” would reference an object called “TestPartition.mark.local”. N.B. “dc” stands for Domain Component.

The example has created the new partition on the server “dev.mark.local”.

Replicas of the partition can be create by using the “add nc” utility which has the same syntax as the “create nc” utility. To delete a partition the “delete nc” utility is used. Similarly to remove a replica the “remove nc” utility is used.