Configuring DNS Clients

Before the DNS server will be of any use, the clients on the network will need to be configured to use the server. To do this bring up the TCP/IP properties of your network adapter. In the Preferred DNS server box, type in the IP address of the DNS server. The Alternate DNS server is used when the preferred DNS server isn’t available. To configure advanced DNS options, click on Advanced.Select DNS.

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Every query to a DNS server is done using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This is in the format of (hostname.domainname).

For example the FQDN of a computer called “CDSERVER” on the “ES-NET.CO.UK” domain would be CDSERVER.ES-NET.CO.UK
Every query to a DNS server is done using a FQDN, but instead of writing out the full name, just the hostname is used and the computer fills out the rest of the name based on its own FQDN. E.g. If was querying pc03 it would add its own domain name to the end of the query. This results in a query to This domain name is known as a DNS suffix.

Additional DNS suffixes can be specified, so that if one suffix fails then it will try another suffix. The Register this connection’s address in DNS will automatically register the computer’s name and IP address with the DNS server.