Configuring A Dfs Root in Windows Server
To create a Dfs Root, an existing share can be used or a new one can be created. To use the Es-Net share as a Dfs root, click on Start.
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Select Administrative Tools. Select Distributed File System. This is the Dfs management console. To create a new Dfs root right-click on Distributed File System. Select New Root. The New Root Wizard will appear. Click on Next to continue. Select Stand-alone root to create a new Stand-alone root. Click on Next to continue. The name of the host server must be typed in or browsed for. Click Next to continue. The root name of the folder to share
must be typed in. Click Next to continue. This is the summary page. If all settings are correct then click on Finish to create the new Dfs root. The new Dfs root is displayed in the Dfs management console. Dfs links can now be added to the new Dfs root.