Advanced Spreadsheets – Accept, reject changes in a worksheet.
When the spreadsheet in which the changes have been made is sent to someone else, then they can accept or reject the changes and keep only the ones which are required. To accept or reject changes, simply click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar. From the drop-down, click on ‘Track Changes’, and from the sub-menu, click on ‘Manage Changes’. This will open the ‘Manage Changes’ dialog box.
All the changes which have been made to the document are listed in this dialog under the ‘List’ tab. Any change can be selected and then can be accepted or rejected by clicking on the ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ button. ‘Accept All’ and ‘Reject All’ buttons accept or reject all the changes respectively.
Under the ‘Filter’ tab are given various options which help in filtering out the required changes. These can be selected as per the requirements.
Compare and merge spreadsheets.
Sometimes, due to human error, it is possible that a user forgets to switch on change tracking while editing a document. This will make the process of tracking changes very difficult. But in Calc we have a tool to compare two different documents. We just need to have the original one and the one in which the changes have been made.
Just open the document which has been edited. Click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar and from the drop-down click on ‘Compare Document’. This will open an ‘Insert’ dialog. Browse and select the original file with which you want to compare the edited file, and click on ‘Open’.
On click of ‘Open’, all the data which has been edited is highlighted in the document and the ‘Manage Changes’ dialog is opened. The data which is present in the edited document, but was not there in the original, is termed as inserted. The data which was there in the original document but is absent from the edited one is termed as deleted, and any data which has been changed is termed as changed. After this, the changes can be accepted or rejected in the same way as has been explained earlier.
To merge two documents, open the original spreadsheet and click on ‘Edit’ from the main menu bar. From the resulting drop-down, click on ‘Track Changes’, and from the sub-menu, click on ‘Merge Document’. This will open an ‘Insert’ dialog. Browse and select the other document which you want to merge, and click on ‘Open’.
On click of ‘Open’, the data differences between the documents are highlighted and the ‘Manage Changes’ dialog is opened. After this, the changes can be accepted or rejected in the same way as has been explained earlier. If more than two files need to be merged, simply repeat the above steps again.