Advanced Presentations – Using Diagrams
Create using built- in options or other available drawing tools a diagram like: flowchart, cycle, pyramid.
To create a diagram in Impress, click on ‘Insert’ from the main menu bar and from the resulting drop-down menu, click on ‘Media’ and from the resulting menu, click on ‘Clip Art Gallery’. This will open the ‘Gallery’ section in the tasks pane.

We also have a symbols and images toolbar at the bottom of the impress screen which offers a number of different shapes and connectors in addition to the ones which were discussed above.
We can create any diagram like a flowchart, or a pyramid, or a cycle using these two panes.
To create a diagram, click on any shape from the symbols and images toolbar at the bottom of the Impress screen and then draw that shape in the main slide by pressing the mouse button and then dragging the cursor without releasing the mouse button to get the desired size for the shape.
Similarly, we can choose any shape from the ‘Gallery’ section by simply dragging and dropping that shape into the main slide.
After getting all the shapes into the main slide, we can get a diagram looking something like the one which has been shown below.
Add, move, and delete shapes in a diagram.
We can add shapes into a diagram using the same methods which have been discussed above, by dragging and dropping the shapes into the slide from the two available panes.
To move a shape in a diagram, first of all select the shape by clicking on the shape once. The shape will get surrounded by eight small green colored squares upon selection.
After this, just click on the shape once and without releasing the mouse button move the cursor to the location where you want to move the shape to. Now release the mouse button and the shape will get moved to the new location.
To delete a shape, select the shape and then press the ‘Delete’ key from your keyboard. This will delete the shape.
Add, change, and delete connectors in a flowchart.
A connector is an element which connects two different elements of a flowchart together. Connectors are often used to describe the flow of events in a flowchart.
To add a connector to a flowchart, click on the ‘Connector’ symbol from the symbols and images toolbar at the bottom of the Impress screen. This will display the different types of connectors available in Impress. Select the appropriate one and then draw that connector shape in the main slide by pressing the mouse button and then dragging the cursor without releasing the mouse button to get the desired size for the connector.
To delete a connector, select the connector and then press the ‘Delete’ key from your keyboard. This will delete the connector.
To change a connector, simply delete the one which needs to be changed and then add a new one in its place. This is the simplest method to change a connector in a flowchart.