Advanced Database – Apply a self join

For this example, we need to create a new table with the properties and data shown. A self join links a table to itself. In the employee table for instance, if we want a query to list each employee and the name of who they report to, we would need a self join. Let’s first…

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Advanced Database – Apply, modify a subtract join

For this example we need to add a record to the ‘Car and owner details’ table with a Car Reg Number that doesn’t appear in the ‘Jobs’ table. Open the Car and owner details table and add a new record at the bottom of the table. Don’t add anything to the jobs table. Close the…

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Advanced Database – Apply, modify an outer join

An outer join allows you to display ALL records from one table, but only records in the other table that match the related fields. You can choose between a Left outer join or Right outer join in the Type drop-down menu. Choosing Left join will display all records from the left-hand table, Right will display…

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Advanced Database – Apply, modify an inner join

Joins are links between table that are used to modify the way queries select records. To demonstrate, create a new query in design view. Add the tables ‘Car and owner details’ and ‘Jobs’ In the Field drop down menus, select all the fields from both tables using the wildcard *, as shown. Press F5 or…

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