Sharing Folders

The simplest way to share a folder is to right-click the folder in Windows Explorer and then choose Share, the File Sharing dialog box appears and allows you to select the users who will have access to the folder. Click Share to create the shared folder, and then click Done.

Use the buttons below to navigate through the lesson

Using this interface you can select four permission levels:

  • Reader – Provides read-only access. This is equivalent to the Read share permission.
  • Contributor – Provides read and write access. This is equivalent to the Change share permission.
  • Co-owner – Enables the user to change file permissions, as well as granting full read and write access. This is equivalent to the Full Control share permission.
  • Owner – Assigned to the user who creates the share and allows changing file permissions and read and write files. This is equivalent to the Full Control share permission.

Provision a share

Expand File Services. Right Click Share and Storage Management and select Provision Share. Click Browse to select a folder. Select folder and click OK. Click Next.

NTFS Permissions select Yes change NTFS permissions . Then Edit Permissions. Default NTFS permissions are displayed. Modify the users permissions as necessary then click OK.

Ensure SMB (Server Message Block) is selected and click Next. SMB settings to change these settings click Advanced. Number of user connections can be limited. Shared folders can be invisible to user who do not have access rights. Click Caching tab. Select options for offline files then click OK. Click Next. Select SMB Permissions. Click Next. A quota can be applied to this new shared folder, click Next. A File Screen can be applied to this new shared folder, click Next. The new shared folder can be added to DFS, click Next.

Review settings and click Create. New shared folder is created. Click Close to complete the wizard. The new shared folder appears in File Services.

Sharing folders from the command prompt

You can share folders from a script or a command prompt (for example, when running Server Core) using the net share command. To view existing shares, type the following command: net share

To create a share, use the following syntax:
net share ShareName=Path [/GRANT:user,[READ|CHANGE|FULL]]

To remove a share, specify the share name and the /DELETE parameter. The following example would remove the share named Files: net share Files /DELETE

For complete usage information, type the following command:
net share /?